Sunday 24 March 2013

As I Walk I see Jack & Luke's names

10 days after arriving in Sydney I am traveling through this neighborhood in Randwick, NSW, Australia to find my boys names etched in the concrete. Ironic? I think not.

Finally I found a pad to call HOME

After searching diligently staying in 6 different suburbs I found the perfect place to call HOME. It is like a NY loft located in a suburb if Sydney called Pyrmont. It's in a bldg that was originally a "wool warehouse" called the "Goldbrough". It's a studio loft w/ a "Murphy bed" which is quite common here in Sydney. I didn't realize that on the 2nd floor there are cafes, & a bridge that is a 2 minute walk to my "backyard" called Darling Harbour. It is beautiful beyond words w/ a Hard Rock, the largest IMAX Theater in the world, shops galore, bowling, laser tag, night clubs, Sydney Aquarium, Australian Wild Life Park, jet boating & more...just outside my back door.

It is a 10 minute walk to the boys school where I volunteer 2 days a week for reading tutoring to students. I love working w/ the kids & look forward to the days I can volunteer at St. Andrews Cathedral. Attached are pics of my pad, mind you, I pay as much for my pad in Sydney that I did for the 3 bedroom home We lived @ on Kling. Ouch! But all good!

Monday 18 March 2013

"Buttah" (Butter)

So 4 days into my Sydney adventure & after 3 hours TRYING unsuccessfully to access the MUCH NEEDED Internet, I take a breather & head outside where the "Smoker's" hang.  I bummed a ciggy from a Canadian gentleman named "Rod Kelly ".  What is the first thing he says? "Im so frustrated because the room I have doesn't have Internet access so I'm waiting to switch rooms."

Well, it took me seconds to share & sympathize w/ understanding his frustrated for the first room I checked into, also had no computer access.  A much needed tool when needing to find a place to live.  I also said "I switched rooms consisting of 6 unpacked bags which I had to repack, then move to a room that was SUPPOSE to have Internet." "I landed in the "new" room, unpacked ( cause Im one of "those") only to learn that the room I've  settled/switched into, room 1410, has minimal to zero connect-ability".

Rod claims "Hey, that's the room I'm suppose to be switching to!"  Ironic, nah, just life! We were laughing hysterically as of course I'm telling him that there was NO way I'm packing, moving, & unpacking 6 suitcases again. Ain't happening!

We were inseparable for the next 4 days which is when his adventure to Australia was coming to a close having spent 3 weeks in Melbourne prior to arriving in Sydney. I introduced Rod to my 3 "new" friends Kim, Richard & Michael whom immediately saw & loved him for all the wonderful qualities he possesses including his "Canadian Charm" that touched my soul & is unlike anything you've EVER seen. Hence the nickname I created for him... "Buttah" (for buttery smooth Canadian charm) I think you would agree. Refer to the video attached. The other thing Rod couldn't "get down"  is to say "Hello Mate" without looking like a pigeon. Again, you can see what I mean in the attached video.

As it turns out our rooms were practically next door to each-other so one night in particular, while the boys & I were hanging in my room watching TV (another story...Australian TV compared to LA, lets just say LA ROCKS in this area) Rod knocks on our door to get a "fashion" opinion (yes he is gay, for info purposes only) because he was having a "hot date". He meets the boys & asks us for our opinions of what he was wearing. Jack peeps up saying "You can see everything underneath your shirt." I concur as does Luke  suggesting he can do better.

Moments later he comes-a-knocking for our opinions again which the 3 of us approved unanimously. He gives Jack a red basketball jersey that was custom made for Rod & Luke a $5.00 dollar Canadian bill that his Grandfather gave him before passing which Rod stored in his wallet. Just an example of the kindness Rod possesses & his soulfulness!

The day of his departure felt as if a piece of my heart was leaving. As he was loading his luggage into the taxi" both of us with crocodile tears were unable to verbalized a simple "good by". . Maybe because those were not the words to be spoken for I KNOW that "Buttah" & I will be friends for LIFE!

How blessed am I to meet Rod Kelly?