Saturday 4 May 2013

Dolphins in Lovina...Here I Come

So after taking a 1 1/2 hour fast boat from Gili T to Padang Baii, then a 4 hour car ride to Lovina... I Finally arrive. As I check in & schedule swimming with the dolphins at 9:30 am for the following morning, I get "the list" waiver that I need to sign prior to swimming. On the list it says you CAN NOT go swimming IF menstruating.. Can you guess what I'm about to say next? Yep...The tail end. So I go to my room & wish my period away & make a quick exit to the closest bar in the resort.

After one glass of wine & another on its way a woman sits next to me. Of COURSE we begin chatting & I begin to believe that there is a Goddess sitting next to me.

Her name is Paola Cuevas, 31, from Guadalajara, Mexico & she happens to be the Vetinerary doctor for the dolphins. She also does "Dolphin Therapy" whereby people flock from all over the world to bring their "mentally challenged" & autistic children to actually swim with she & the dolphins. Her stories were captivating & I had such a profound amount of respect for her & what she does for a living that 4 hours flew as if it was only 2 hours. We could have EASILY continued through the night BUT she had to work in the morning & I (after finding out from her that I'm totally ok & safe to swim w/ the dolphins because they have no scent...after ALL SHE is the "dolphine vet") was experiencing one of the biggest "bucket list" desires EVER @ 9:30 am. So begrudgingly we called it a night.

Hours later unable to sleep excited of my adventure for the day, w/ a bit of a hangover (might I add in all honesty), I made my way to breakfast. Maybe I slept 4 hours...I was like a kid on Christmas morning.

There was my friend Paola. We had a wonderful breakfast together & learned that she came to Bali after working in Turkey for 6 months...her story just kept getting better. Here's an idea for all those movie buffs looking for the next project...Follow Dr. Cuevas around the world as she cares for Dolphins & treating children with "Dolphin Therapy"...I'd watch it & know it WOULD be MOST fascinating. A viewers perspective of an amazing woman who cares for children through dolphin therapy along with the results, as well as caring for dolphins worldwide.

Swimming w/ the dolphins was a huge MAJOR "never forget" moment in my life that I will cherish forever. Meeting Paola was a true God given blessing as was Alina in Gili T, My BOYS, & Rod, Damian, Tony, Kim, Michael, Richard, Nicki & others in Australia. I know I am blessed & give true gratitude & appreciation for all the incredible woman & men in my life. I hope Paola's & my paths will cross because there so many more things I want to know about her. Talk about dedication: when she was 8 her family went to Sea World in San Diego. It was at a dolphin show that she committed herself to wanting be a vet specializing with dolphins. How awesome is that?

Paola is at another transitional place in her life. I shared pictures & stories of Gili Jewels & told her about Alina & Harriet who is the owner of Manta Dive in Gili T. She expressed an interest in possible wanting to be a dive instructor so I was able to create a connection w/ an Australian scuba diver in Gili T & Vetinerary Doctor who also does "Dolphin Therapy" from Guadalajara, Mexico. It's pretty never know~

I have my "secret" desire that I proclaimed when I was 6 & I can still remember the moment of "declaration" if you will, as if it was yesterday. My desire also came true & is still intact. Lesson: your never TOO young to drive for your dreams...

Peace out! Love you Paola!

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