Wednesday 8 May 2013

I Am Holier Today Then I Was Last Week

Yes, I took the plunge in the Holy Water Pool. A sarong is a must in all temples including the pool of Holy water. There are 12 fountains as shown below that flow Holy water. You begin at one end stopping at each fountain saying your prayer as you wash yourself moving then to the next fountain.

There are 2 larger fountain sculptures in the center. The one on the left is for babies & the one on the right is for ashes of those that have passed. Of course, I accidentally went under the fountain for "babies" making me feel like I screwed up again...LOL. if you know me, then you know that isn't unheard of...The temple is incredible as you will see.

This experience was truly grounding & a spiritual awakening for me. You are able to fill a plastic bottle (which you purchase in site) with the Holy water. Of course I filled away.

Though I kept losing Holy water along the way because the bloody bottle kept leaking it gave me the sense that I was simply continuing to bless everywhere the water leaked. I also filled & gave a bottle to Paola, the Dolphin Vet in Lovina.

Going through customs in Bali they almost took it away from me for your not suppose to have any liquid in any form on you as your board your plane. However after a teeny bit of begging I was able to take it with me. Hallelujah!

Peace out!

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