Thursday 2 May 2013

"Gili Has Herpes"

DON'T worry it doesn't transfer animal to humans!

So...the morning after taking Gili home I called the Vet in Lombok...remember? The vet who came to the phone while in the middle of surgery? After an hour passed I still hadn't heard back from him & I had to catch a fast boat back to Bali proper. In 4 hours.

Alternatively, the 2nd person I called was Alina. A wonderful single Irish woman with long wavy/ curly "beachy" brown hair with an Irish-French-Balinese accent. We shared a LOT in common including the "teen thing". Here is this dynamic single Mom successful renting vacation rental properties, with a 13 year old daughter who lives on the big Island of Lombok. How does an Irish woman live on an Indonesian island in Bali? You got me, but she & I became fast & furious friends...our time together was WAY too short.

Alina, it just so happens, is active in caring for the stray cats on the Island along with her friend Harriet who also owns Manta Diving. She suggested for me to take the kitten to Harriet @ Manta Dive for she may have meds that she gets from a group of Australian vets who come to Gili T to scuba dive.

With Gili in tote we mosey on over to see Harriet. Harriet was expecting me. She's Australian, is a tall blonde w/ beautiful blue eyes. Being that she cares for the cats she immediately recognized Gili telling me that she calls her Jewels. Of course I said her name is Gili, but compromised with Gili Jewels. Gili is not a kitten but rather a 2 year old cat. The cats in Bali are significantly smaller than American cats...just saying. You know me & trivia!

After watching the cat & i briefing her on the symptoms.,.she believes Gili has herpes & possible aids. She assured me that she will continue to care for Gili Jewels. As a token of my appreciation I gave her some money praising her for what she does & for having such a kind heart.

I could now leave Gili T w/ a happy heart knowing Gili Jewels is in GOOD hands to now sail Padang Bai then drive 4 hours to Lovina where I can swim with the dolphins! Ready, set, GO!

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