Tuesday 30 April 2013

Gilli & I Having Lunch "Beach Side"

Gilli & I are having lunch, where else, but on the beach of course listening to "Sweet Home Alabama". She (YES Gilli IS a SHE & the name IS NOT changing) has a snotty nose, really "beyond" dirty ears, & sits very awkward as if it hurts her to sit or lye flat on the floor. In addition she "cough-chokes" where it looks like she's going to throw up but doesn't & snot is ever SO present. I have a very sick kitten.

I'm waiting to hear back from the Vet in Lombok which is a 30 minute "fast boat" ride away. Apparently, the vet is performing surgery. He actually came to the phone while IN surgery because he's the only one who could decipher what this crazy Cali gal was trying to say. He said he would call me back.

I also am awaiting a call back from Alina, the owner, of the Villa that I'm staying at.

What I DO know is Gilli loves egg. rice, seared tuna & garlic bread...but DOESN'T like cheese , milk (go figure on both of those dislikes), bananas, thai beef, & wheat toast.

I leave this island tomorrow to go swim with the dolphins on Wednesday...for those of you in the States that would be your "Tuesday". Not sure what I'm going to do about Gilli. I'm starting to interview locals without them knowing I'm interviewing, in hope to find SONEONE I can trust to care for Gilli. Not many great options at this time ...keep yah all in the loop. Peace out from Gilli Trawanga!

4 Hours After Finding The Stray Kitten...I'm So F**k'd

So after only 4 hours with this lifeless, sick, emaciated kitten that I smuggled into my 2 bedroom villa...

...Remember Rosie who Betsy, yes Betsy, blaming it ALL on Bets, who smuggled Rosie into California from Rosarita, Mexico (hence her name), on my "crazy bachelorette shindig?" Alex, Tessa, Tina Rojas, Vicky Watson (at the time), Christine Rogers, Betsy (when she was alive in case she's reading...she'd hate to be left out) & all the "other amazing chics? Well this feels similar....

I've named the kitten Gilli for the Island I'm on (Gili Trawanga) whether the kitten is a boy OR a girl. Hell after having "Dave", our bearded dragon lizard, for 2 yrs, I just found out from Kirk whose caring for our "very handsome Dave" that Dave is a female. Think I going to name Dave a more feminine name? Hell to the NO as Yvette would say. So the kittens name IS Gili.

Well Gili has been following me around since I brought him to my 2 bedroom villa...BTW I'm sticking w/ HE until I know otherwise, again REMEMBER The NAME WILL not change!

I guess I now know what I can do with the "other bedroom". It's Gili's room in case this kitten feels comfortable sleeping iin HIS own room....doubtful, but it makes ME feel better having a 2 bedroom villa that can sleep 6.

So....I will be taking this really sick kitten to the "larger" Island, 30 minutes away by boat, first thing in the morning. Hope the kitten doesn't jump off the boat before arriving to Lomboc Island, I will then find a driver to take Gili & I 40 minutes by car to see a vet. This is ALL provided Gili makes it through the night, God forbidden. So the kitten saga shall continue. More in the next day or so.

Bye for now I'm going to give this kitten a flea bath NOW. Does anyone worry about me out there? 45 minutes later...flea bath DID NOT go well! If any of readers have had cats...THEY DON'T LIKE WATER. Well apparently Balinese cats don't as well. Take it first hand my friends!

In Paradise & Found A Stray Kitten

Well All, this is truly the most beautiful ocean spot that I've ever seen. Make your own decision by the pics below. I've traveled quite extensively around the Caribbean Islands including Cancun on the Caribbean Ocean w/ Annie Girl...remember what fun that was in a bright yellow convertible VW driving to Chitzanitsa (the largest pyramid in that nic' of the world) which we had (OH right I was the designated driver) which I had no right driving to.

After checking into this AMAZING 2 bedroom (what am I going to do with 2 bedrooms I do not know) Indonesian home I head to the first place to eat & have a glass of wine on the beach, WHICH, BTW, is VERY expensive. Example: a bottle of Jacobs Creek costs $50.00 US dollars, insane, I know...but hey Cigs here are $3 a pack...(YES I am doing that despicable "thing" I know & I am genuinely sorry to offend all those past smokers...try NOT to JUDGE me) in comparison to $20 a pack in Australia. So all of those who care about my "smoking habit" just KNOW I HAVE cut WAY back you'll be happy to know. Just FYI. And I thank those w/ open arms who really CARE about me!

The water here is 3 shades of turquoise with the white sandy beaches. The peeps here are really friendly I think I met 1/2 the island in the 2 hours I've been here for it IS small.

Low & behold a kitten crosses the "sand path" where I'm enjoying a glass of "Jason's Creek Chardonnay"....NOT, but hey, I'm one of those "flexible go with the flow" kind of travelers. So back to this skin & bone kitten with goopey eyes , & snot from the nose clearly signifying a major illness. "Are there vets on this island that I take this kitten to" I ask the waiter. Apparently NO. So I order Tuna tartar for the kitten, & a Thai beef dish for me.

I find out that I'd have to take the kitten & I on a 20 minute ferry ride to a "larger island" called Lomboc, then take a 40 minute cab ride to the "Vet". I'm contemplating this interruption in experiencing this AMAZING island I'm on now. If any of you know...those less fortunate whether animal, reptile or human being I'm THERE. Not for the glory but rather the deep compassion my Mom raised me with. Thank you Mom. My ex found this gift as being a nuisance...but heart to heart, soul to soul...it IS who I am. I may never get back to Gili Trawanga but my soul will be filled knowing I could help a creature needing medical attention.

Will keep you posted!

Monday 29 April 2013

Riding an Elephant OFF My Bucket List

So I actually rode an elephant. Something I always wanted to do. Even to have had the opportunity of holding their trunk as they sniff me or to touch/pet these enormous creatures gave me a sense of honor!

My Grandfather had a LOVE for elephants which manifested this overwhelming desire, I believe, to have an "elephant" experience. Heck, I have even contemplated, and have had correspondence w/ this British woman in Africa who rescues elephants, about volunteering my time to help her care for the rescued elephants.

Interesting fact: Did you know that elephants shall always remember your scent from their nose & especially if you blow in their nose? FOREVER even if only once.

I had the time of my life. This desire to experience riding, connecting & petting an elephant in my lifetime, is complete & officially OFF my bucket list! Not that I wouldn't do it again mind you...in a heartbeat!

Saturday 27 April 2013

I Think I Found Heaven On Earth

As soon as I got off the plane I noticed a sign while going through customs "Death Penalty for those carrying drugs". Not that I had cause for concern but it was clear that drugs here are culturally forbidden.

My drivers name was Nenu, a very kind & "happy" man. While driving I honestly was uncertain that I'd like Bali. Of course I arrived at 9:45pm so I couldn't really see Bali for what it is.

While in route I noticed that Nenu had a bag of water & a small floral arrangement the size of a corsage w/ money on top of his dashboard. When I asked him what they represented he said the bag was filled with Holy water & the flower arrangement is called an offering asking for protection, safety & money. The bag of holy water was for divinity, at least that's what I could understand for we DO speak different languages you know! Kinda cool I thought. Hey, I may be doing the same thing in my Mercedes in LA...God knows we can all use protection, safety, money & to feel the presence of a higher spiritual being-ness.

I also noticed these decorations that hung high over the streets which Nenu explained that there was a Bali celebration the week prior. See pics below.

Upon arrival, I opened up thee gates to "Desa Sanctuary, The Village" & my heart skipped a beat. It was breathtakingly magical & filled with the immediate feeling of peace & tranquility. I had a 2 level villa. The "opened air" lower level contained 2 day beds one covered w/ netting, the dining room, kitchen & a completely private outdoor shower.

Upstairs was fully enclosed with walls of glass, large bedroom with the most amazing wooden carved beams & ceiling that my mouth just dropped. There was also a private bathroom w/ an opened air shower as well. Words nor pictures can begin to describe how incredible my villa was. I found Heaven!

P.S, The ants here are REALLY big!