Monday 29 April 2013

Riding an Elephant OFF My Bucket List

So I actually rode an elephant. Something I always wanted to do. Even to have had the opportunity of holding their trunk as they sniff me or to touch/pet these enormous creatures gave me a sense of honor!

My Grandfather had a LOVE for elephants which manifested this overwhelming desire, I believe, to have an "elephant" experience. Heck, I have even contemplated, and have had correspondence w/ this British woman in Africa who rescues elephants, about volunteering my time to help her care for the rescued elephants.

Interesting fact: Did you know that elephants shall always remember your scent from their nose & especially if you blow in their nose? FOREVER even if only once.

I had the time of my life. This desire to experience riding, connecting & petting an elephant in my lifetime, is complete & officially OFF my bucket list! Not that I wouldn't do it again mind a heartbeat!

1 comment:

  1. Amazing ride.....I guess it is an 'Indian' Elephant. African elephants have larger ears. I get exactly what you are saying about the animal being so large and your sense of honor. See my FB page for my ride on African elephants with family in Zambia. We had guys with shotguns in case other elephants approached us(just to scare them away) We actually rode them in the wild in a Elephant reserve, an hour from the Victoria Falls.
