Tuesday 30 April 2013

4 Hours After Finding The Stray Kitten...I'm So F**k'd

So after only 4 hours with this lifeless, sick, emaciated kitten that I smuggled into my 2 bedroom villa...

...Remember Rosie who Betsy, yes Betsy, blaming it ALL on Bets, who smuggled Rosie into California from Rosarita, Mexico (hence her name), on my "crazy bachelorette shindig?" Alex, Tessa, Tina Rojas, Vicky Watson (at the time), Christine Rogers, Betsy (when she was alive in case she's reading...she'd hate to be left out) & all the "other amazing chics? Well this feels similar....

I've named the kitten Gilli for the Island I'm on (Gili Trawanga) whether the kitten is a boy OR a girl. Hell after having "Dave", our bearded dragon lizard, for 2 yrs, I just found out from Kirk whose caring for our "very handsome Dave" that Dave is a female. Think I going to name Dave a more feminine name? Hell to the NO as Yvette would say. So the kittens name IS Gili.

Well Gili has been following me around since I brought him to my 2 bedroom villa...BTW I'm sticking w/ HE until I know otherwise, again REMEMBER The NAME WILL not change!

I guess I now know what I can do with the "other bedroom". It's Gili's room in case this kitten feels comfortable sleeping iin HIS own room....doubtful, but it makes ME feel better having a 2 bedroom villa that can sleep 6.

So....I will be taking this really sick kitten to the "larger" Island, 30 minutes away by boat, first thing in the morning. Hope the kitten doesn't jump off the boat before arriving to Lomboc Island, I will then find a driver to take Gili & I 40 minutes by car to see a vet. This is ALL provided Gili makes it through the night, God forbidden. So the kitten saga shall continue. More in the next day or so.

Bye for now I'm going to give this kitten a flea bath NOW. Does anyone worry about me out there? 45 minutes later...flea bath DID NOT go well! If any of readers have had cats...THEY DON'T LIKE WATER. Well apparently Balinese cats don't as well. Take it first hand my friends!

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