Friday 12 April 2013

"Help Rescue A Horse"

If you are a horse or animal lover, please consider contributing to this noble cause:

"Hello Gayle! We miss you! If you could just share this with whomever you think would listen, that would be great. We could maybe start a fund to get her and her baby out from where she is...if you are doing real estate in Australia, maybe the realtor's would like to donate part of their commissions to her cause?

Just raising awareness is very important to her and if the universe will help provide a way for her to fulfill her life path than so be it...

Love to you and yours...

Esta G. Bernstein
Founder, President & CEO
Saffyre Sanctuary, Inc.

Read about us here - Pet Me Magazine Jan/Feb. 2013

Please take 2 minutes to review us for the GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Awards!

--- On Fri, 4/12/13, Gayle Slade wrote:

From: Gayle Slade
Subject: Re: Saffyre Sanctuary April 2013 News!
To: "Esta Bernstein"
Date: Friday, April 12, 2013, 12:10 AM

What can I do?

Gayle Slade
Check out my blog:
Sent from my iPhone

On Apr 12, 2013, at 5:04 PM, Esta Bernstein wrote:

Hello Friends, Family and Supporters!

It has been a while since our last update and I hope everyone has had a great first quarter of the year!

When I send out my messages, it has been from the perspective of my heart and the accomplishments of our rescue, as well as the stories from OUR point of view about the horses we save. But this time I want to share something very special with you; an incredible message from a horse desperate to be saved, though we as humans looking from the outside at her situation, may not see it the same way. Reading the below conversation I had with her will take a very open mind, and as I send this out as a promise to her, I hope you will realize what a unique rescue you are affiliated with, and know that your support is needed more than ever.

It was a strange event where this Thoroughbred mare, Lady Lava actually contacted me. I won’t go into how that happened, but her insistence for me to do something (not knowing what) was so loud that I had to speak with her via our multi-talented animal communicator, Lisa Larson ( Below is what she wants all of you to know:

(This is a little long so you may want to save this and set aside some quiet time to absorb it all…)

She is showing me her environment and this place looks freakin’ huge! She's saying the people are nice enough, but there's no emotional connection whatsoever. It's almost as though she knows what an emotional connection with a person is, but she doesn’t really have it. She knows what that connection is because somebody maybe at some point took care of her that way. The connection that we understand a connection to be is just not there.

She does not want to be a broodmare; she does not want her baby to be a racehorse. You (were contacted) were the only hope, if there can be something done, and she understands that there may not be able to be, but if there would be something that could be done, she feels that you, given your spiritual understanding of things, might be able to find a place for these horses.

She says that this is a time in your spiritual evolution, where you bring to light to a wider audience of people, the lives of racehorses, and the kind of lives that racehorses have. People look at them and they get taken care of, and have nice shiny coats and all of that, and they live in nice clean stalls, they think their lives are really nice. She says we are nothing but slaves. It’s time that the world awakens to that. She's saying that the whole thing with 2012 and the Mayan Calendar, that there is some validity to it, in that there can be a change in consciousness if number one, people are willing to listen and number two, there are enough people willing to speak. Racehorses have a unique difficulty because they are “owned” by rich people. That goes back to how they look from the outside as though they are very well taken care of, but they’re not loved. Not like we think of love. And for horses as a species to survive and thrive, we need to be heard. Think of where we came from. She’s showing me a picture of horses out in the wild. Basically this doesn’t exist in this space continuum anymore.

We contacted you because you are a friend of the horse. She says you understand us like no other. It’s a very dismal time for so many of us because we live in such big bodies, even those who do understand and love us, it’s just different than the domestic animals you have, where you sleep with your pets, etc. There are a few who are very lucky but relatively few. If those who were not guided by money could share their love with us things would be far different. I fear for the species. Breeding as it is done is breeding out the beauty of us all, the beauty of our true nature, the wildness of our true nature. We can be Zen Horsie as you would call it. But so much of our lives are constricted. And if you can help us you can help many. (The spiritual aspect to this is if she could find the right home, she has a lot she could teach.)

You would be a good person to do racehorse rescue. There’s a need for it. Racehorses have such a unique problem when they are rescued, that most of these other places (other rescues) while they are very compassionate, and are very loving, they don’t have the access for understanding, or ability, or consciousness, of connecting and communicating with them, in a way that is really necessary at this point in time to stop this. She is concerned that racing is huge part of what is damaging her species. The breeding and what they do to racehorses, it’s taking away the very nature. It’s making them something else. To the point where these broodmares have babies and their babies don't even know how to be real horses in the true sense of the word. In true soul sense of the word, because they've had it bred out of them. But she hasn’t had that happen to her yet. She’s held on with a thread to her ancestral ties, to her nature. They breed the nature out of theses horses to the point that they are nothing but robots. Then they get thrown away and they don’t even know what to be. They don’t even know how to reconnect ancestrally. And it’s very nice that these racehorse rescues take care of them and everything else, but they aren't moving that step further. They’re not going to the step further which helps these racehorses come back into the fold of who they really are. Even though no matter how damaged they are, they can still be damaged, and still be touching who they are. But they never quite get there because they don’t do what you do. They don’t look at it like you do. They don’t connect with them in the same way, they don’t talk to the in the same way, they don’t communicate with them in the same way, and they don’t feel them. It’s not saying anything bad about these people, they’re taking wonderful care of them and they’re doing everything they know how to do. She's saying we need something that takes it a step further. We need something that does what you do to help these horses reconnect with their true nature. These kinds of alternative things are the things that racehorse rescues are not getting.

Now let's see if there’s a suggestion on how to do this. That’s a big friggin job! She's saying the first step is to set the intention into universe. (Me feeling overwhelmed…) Doing that automatically puts a limit on it - (by saying) “no we can't do it.” She's says instead of looking and saying “oh my gosh! how are we going to do that!” she says look at it and say, “oh! how are we going to do that?” Focus on “we are here, how are we going to make it better?”

Rescuing horses isn’t just about the starving, the abandoned, etc. There is emotional rescue as well. She’s not hurting, she’s not being abused, she’s well fed, she’s well brushed, she’s well taken care of, and she say’s that in part is the problem. Because people look at her from the outside and say, oh my God this horse has a wonderful life, and here this SOUL is hanging on by a thread to the true nature of what she is. She wants and emotional connection, and she wants love and she wants to feel SOMETHING! Racehorses don’t feel anything.

(Per Lava Lady “this is the reason why we came to you”.) So many people don’t understand that it’s not about humans; it’s not about the human way of looking at us. It’s about them understanding, and for some reason it is so much more difficult for humans to understand horses than it is for them to understand dogs or cats because they live with them. But horses live someplace else, they (their people) see them at a separate time, and it’s not the same. They don’t seem to understand from “that” point of view (she shows us a close up picture of a horse’s eye). What’s going on with the horse species that there is an inherent sadness that is creeping it’s way in (like WWII spreading across Europe) like a wave of disconnection from self, that is becoming an epidemic in horses as a species. I am afraid that what the heart and soul of a horse is will cease to exist. First on an emotional level, and then on a physical level.

She knows you will do everything you can, everything that is possible, and she is now giving it up to the universe. You can’t go and do anything without being aware of the situation.

I want to have some kind of momentum going, telling this from their point of view. This is not about you, or me, but about them (the horses). I want to put these things out there based on what they think and feel, not about what we as humans want to impose on them.

With the support, kindness and generosity of all of you, is how WE will make it better. For me to be able to, not only help these horses, but to spread the word and assist other rescues in this understanding, our organization needs you more than ever. Saffyre Sanctuary is not a place (yet), but a state of mind, and you are all a part of this. I have to turn many horses away every day, including Lava Lady, since we do not have the funds, or the space to take her and her unborn foal. Please consider contributing to the care and maintenance of the special souls still in our care, and to the ones we try to help remotely until we have a location of our own.

Feel free to share this on Facebook or with whomever you like.

Thank you for listening….."

Esta G. Bernstein
Founder, President & CEO
Saffyre Sanctuary, Inc.

Read about us here - Pet Me Magazine Jan/Feb. 2013

Please take 2 minutes to review us for the GreatNonprofits Top-Rated Awards!

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