Tuesday 30 April 2013

Gilli & I Having Lunch "Beach Side"

Gilli & I are having lunch, where else, but on the beach of course listening to "Sweet Home Alabama". She (YES Gilli IS a SHE & the name IS NOT changing) has a snotty nose, really "beyond" dirty ears, & sits very awkward as if it hurts her to sit or lye flat on the floor. In addition she "cough-chokes" where it looks like she's going to throw up but doesn't & snot is ever SO present. I have a very sick kitten.

I'm waiting to hear back from the Vet in Lombok which is a 30 minute "fast boat" ride away. Apparently, the vet is performing surgery. He actually came to the phone while IN surgery because he's the only one who could decipher what this crazy Cali gal was trying to say. He said he would call me back.

I also am awaiting a call back from Alina, the owner, of the Villa that I'm staying at.

What I DO know is Gilli loves egg. rice, seared tuna & garlic bread...but DOESN'T like cheese , milk (go figure on both of those dislikes), bananas, thai beef, & wheat toast.

I leave this island tomorrow to go swim with the dolphins on Wednesday...for those of you in the States that would be your "Tuesday". Not sure what I'm going to do about Gilli. I'm starting to interview locals without them knowing I'm interviewing, in hope to find SONEONE I can trust to care for Gilli. Not many great options at this time ...keep yah all in the loop. Peace out from Gilli Trawanga!

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